General Information (Barracudas - Burlington Girls Hockey Club)

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UPDATES for the 2025-2026 SEASON

We trust that all of our little Cudas are enjoying a great season.  The BGHC is excited to communicate the following updates to our U7 program for the 2025-2026 season.  Starting next season, U7 players will have the opportunity to progress through three distinct phases as they development toward our house league program.


The BGHC has a dedicated individual to answer your questions for this program.  Should you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].  Please do NOT reach out to Celina Clark with questions about this program. 


The BGHC is dedicated to supporting girls who show an interest in trying and/or pursuing the goalie position.  Within our U7 program:

  1. All players in both Fundamentals 1 and Fundamentals 2 will put on the goalie equipment and play the goalie position at least once during the season.
  2. Players on U7 house league teams will rotate through the goalie position, playing the position at least once during the season in both a practice and a game.
  3. Players on U7 house league teams who wish to play more goal will be accommodated to the extent possible, once all other players have had their opportunity.
  4. All necessary goalie equipment is provided by the BGHC.

Once girls graduate to the U9 house league or Rep programs, any player wishing to pursue the goalie position will be supported through BGHC-supplied goalie equipment (at house league), reduced registration fees (at both house league and Rep) as well as BGHC paid goalie development sessions (at both house league and Rep). 


The BGHC will be scheduling parent information sessions before registration is opened.  These sessions are for YOU, to answer your preliminary questions about the updates to the program.  Please watch your email for dates and times and please join us to ensure you get all of your questioned answered.



(ice times will be finalized PRIOR to the opening of registration)


  • open to all 4-year-olds
  • limited to 80 players; 40 players per ice session
  • ONE ice time per week
  • ice time will be Sunday morning early - between the hours of 8:30 AM and 10 AM
  • focus on introductory skills
  • volunteer assistants required on the ice and as trainers for EVERY session
  • all NEW Fundamentals 1 players will receive the BAUER hockey equipment package FREE OF CHARGE


  • open to all 5-year-olds
  • limited to 80 players; 40 players per ice session
  • TWO ice times per week
  • first weekly ice time will be a week day evening TBD between 5 PM and 6:30 PM
  • second weekly ice time will be Sunday morning early - between the hours of 7 AM and 8:30 AM
  • building on skills; progressing to small area games
  • volunteer assistants required on the ice and as trainers for EVERY session


  • open to all 6-year-olds
  • teams of 15 players
  • TWO ice times per week - ONE practice and ONE game - times TBD (Friday, Saturday or Sunday)
  • volunteer Head Coaches, assistant coaches and trainers
  • coaching support
  • player development during selected practice ice times



Registration for the 2025-2026 season OPENS May 6, 2025 (subject to OWHA registration availability) and will remain open until all spots are filled.  Register EARLY to avoid disappointment.  Please click HERE to access the U7 Registration Page with details of our fees and the distinguishing features of our U7 program.



Female Athletes of Today Coaching the Future Athletes of Tomorrow

 The U7 Program is one that is mandated by both Hockey Canada and the OWHA and one that the BGHC is excited to support.   This program focuses on small ice development for our youngest skaters helping them to develop the strength and skills to propel forward into a lifetime of hockey achievements.

The BGHC is focused on building programs with key female leaders, providing guidance, coaching and
encouragement for our aspiring athletes.

We are excited to announce
Celina Clark will continue in 2025-2026 as lead coach for the BGHC U7 division

Celina is a graduate of Adrian College, and played on the Women's ACHA Division 1 Hockey Team.  She began her hockey
career at the age of 5 and continued to play throughout the Halton region, completing her minor career with the Hamilton Hawks MidgetAA team.

The knowledge she has gained throughout this path is the knowledge she wishes to pass onto the athletes she trains and mentors. Her passion for the sport shows through her teachings and instruction, allowing her to help prepare athletes throughout their own career, from their first set of skates through to pursuing their own hockey goals.

Creating a safe space for athletes is her ultimate goal. Establishing a respectful environment for all, allows athletes to feel more comfortable and confident. "Understanding that you are your only limitation, helps motivate and push athletes further than they ever thought they would be capable of".
Celina Clark, sole proprietor of Clark Hockey Camp (CHC)


The U7 program is designed to shrink the size of the game and focus on small area games, allowing the players more puck touches and the opportunity to develop skills more effectively than on full ice. The best way to illustrate is, when 4 and 5 year olds start in soccer, they are in small areas with mini nets, a system that allows the athlete to be successful rather than constantly chasing the ball. To put them on a regulation soccer field with regulation nets would be unfair to the players. 

The BGHC has invested in new equipment for this program which includes, rink dividers, smaller nets and lighter pucks. 

Hockey Canada developed the U7 Program to make a child's first contact with hockey a safe and positive experience. It is a structured, learn-to-play hockey program designed to introduce beginners to the game's basic skills. It enables participants to become contributing members of a team effort, develop self-confidence, and experience a sense of personal achievement. These goals are achieved in an atmosphere of fun and fair play.

Recognizing the necessity to provide a positive experience for the beginner hockey player, the U7 Program builds upon a number of values providing a qualitative experience, which include:
  • Providing a safe environment in which to be introduced to hockey's fundamental skills.
  • Developing an understanding of basic teamwork through participation in structured activities and adapted game-like situations.
  • Introducing participants to the concepts of fair and co-operative play.
  • Refining basic motor patterns and building self-confidence.
  • Providing an environment that challenges individuals positively and rewards the participants for their efforts.
  • Provides opportunities to experience a number of activities related to the building of a lifestyle of fitness and activity.