Sep 11, 2019 | Steve Thouless | 920 views
Food Drive
From Jill Wright 09.11.2011
Hi team, Sorry for the late start, but I am our team food drive coordinator for our annual
Gift of Giving Back Food Drive. I am sure everyone is familiar with this event,
and the amazing ways our girls get to volunteer, raise funds and collect food
donations to help others in our community.
This year the food drive will be taking place at Bateman High School on
Nov.5 and 6th. The food drive benefits The salvation Army, Burlington food
bank, food for life, carpenter hospice, compassion society and the Halton
women’s shelter. It is an opportunity for our girls to give back, and to help
others, and to create memories and values that last a lifetime.
As a team we can organize a team fund raising event where all money collected will go to the GOGB. We will also be getting our “blue bags” for food collection which we can do in groups and individually. If anyone has any ideas PLEASE let me know. I’m pretty new to this. Or if anyone has any other ideas for generating donations. If you have any questions, please reach out too, thanks so much, Jill wright (Abby's mom)