Dylan Jessiman, Roster, Intermediate AA (Kevin Greco), 2019-2020, Rep (Barracudas - Burlington Girls Hockey Club)

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This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
Player Profile
Dylan Jessiman Photo
#73 Dylan Jessiman
Position(s): Forward
5' 4" / 125 lbs
Born: Apr 2001
From: Burlington
  • Bio
    Current School:      Nelson HS, Burlington, ON
    Hockey Achievements 2018/19:                
    Intermediate AA – Burlington Barracudas
    Scarborough Tournament Finalist Midget AA
    Toronto March Tournament Gold Bantam A
    OWHA Provincials Qualifier Bantam A
    Academic Achievements: Honours Grade 7,8,9,10,11,12
    Coaches Award Varsity Hockey Gr.12
    Varsity Basketball Captain Gr. 11/12
    Other Interests: Travel and volunteering